

2019 Catalogue

CCARHT undertakes commissioned reports from DG HOME consortia, alongside other independent commissioning bodies. As a Research hub and think-tank we are committed to enabling the best research based resources in people and papers available to our network. The following reports are harvested from our practical engagement, case studies, workshops, forums, dedicated symposia, surveying and field work which make our  commissioned  reports extremely valuable for the wider policy making fraternity, other research hubs, media alongside the wider engaged public to inform their multi-agency embedded work.

We are always available to assist in building  fresh bespoke research with partners on key aspects of countering Trafficking in Human Beings so if you don’t find what you are looking for here, do be in touch with us, and we shall see what we can do to assist.

The 7 Country Mapping of Child Trafficking in Europe – CCARHT report commissioned by RENATE EUROPE

Download : Mapping Exercise Child Trafficking in Europe Pdf  Published

2019  Report Lead Author Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford 

CT press release for RE


Symposium Papers 2018

  • The Law of the Sea the currents of the ‘Mediterranean Humanitarian Crisis’
  • The challenge for Venezuela – Trafficking consequent to the Economic collapse of a State
  • Trafficking in relation to ‘ethnic’ purging of a population – the Rohingya and Cox’s Bazaar.
  • Trafficking as a strategy of ethnic deconstruction and ‘genocide’ – the Yazidis of Iraq and ISIL
  • Trafficking as Trauma – Papers by Cornelius Katona, Helen Bamber Foundation and Halleh Seddighzadeh,  ARMAN foundation
  • Virtue Signalling : contemporary Northern Economic commitment to counter trafficking messaging
  • Reporting Sustainability and Transparency  – the challenge for Transparency in the Supply Chain.
  • International multi-agency co-operation its role in the fight against Nigerian Organised Crime – the case of NAPTIP
  • Life beyond Moria? When AID finance moves on, what happens to those left in the camps no-one wants.  Trauma, rehabilitation and citizen integration?
  • The place of the SDGs – Countering Trafficking beyond the UNODC?
  • Up up in the Air –  grounding counter trafficking training in the Aircraft industry
  • A case of Chocolate   bringing production back to the farm gate – a view from Osun State Nigeria
  • Minors on the Rise: what is happening with unaccompanied and accompanied children in International Trafficking and Migration control.
  • Blockchain and other Tech: opportunities of the Third wave of tech in countering Human Trafficking crimes.

Cross European Study – for RENATE  2017-2018

A substantial 7 country study undertaken across Malta, Italy, Hungary, Netherlands, Slovakia, Ukraine and Albania, focusing on the rising numbers of unaccompanied children, the challenge of delivering rights protection, a mapping of the variety of procedures followed, and numbers being ‘processed’ through varied national systems, will be published at the end of the year. 


A consideration of the emergence of the political ‘backlash’ in compassion and rights for those seeking asylum, is included in this report which was commissioned by  RENATE Europe.

RENATE: Religious in Europe Networking Against Trafficking and Exploitation. Originally established by a group of religious representing several different congregations working against human trafficking in Europe. RENATE network with Talitha Qumi the International network of sisters working against trafficking in person. RENATE also collaborates with many other networks within and outside Europe. Networking is considered by the membership of RENATE as a key to unlocking the power of faith-based communities in the fight against trafficking.


Reports in 2017

As a result of an 18 month project working with African diaspora based Pentecostal Churches in the UK, (Central Africa, West Africa with Nigerian White Robed Churches involvement) with particular attention to London based congregations, CCARHT presented at the House of Lords in 2017 Behind Closed Doors – 

the first detailed report on how Domestic Servitude, Domestic Abuse, and Sexual Exploitation can operate as a nexus of violence and disadvantage against women, and the presence of powerful counter Trafficking opportunities available amongst faith based communities present in the capital.

Download  Behind Closed Doors Action Research on Women in Modern Day Slavery and Human Trafficking – submitted report


Reports in 2016

CCARHT set a number of young researchers to explore the role of small business in improving population stabilisation, decreasing the supply of vulnerable people into forced labour. The system interruption mapping on this piece of work, will be incorporated in an upcoming publication.

Several researchers associated with the Centre explored the dynamics of the extension of the Nordic Model – in the prosecution of the purchaser of sexual services. With the take up of this form of ‘signalling’ from States of a new allocation of the perpetrator Ireland, France, Canada and the Nordic network are under review.

CCARHT is open as a hub of research excellence, to invitations to collaborate on multilateral research projects in any of the main spheres of human trafficking impact. We would note that CCARHT carries particular expertise in the following areas.

A mapping across Europe of counter trafficking needs and activities by the RENATE network – seven countries in focus.


This report was submitted to the Vatican in the Autumn of 2016 and has informed a great deal of the understanding and commitment of the Catholic community internationally since.


For access to this report please be in touch with us at the CCARHT offices.

Labour Trafficking and Multi Agency Cooperation  TEAMWORK!

January 2016 saw the publication of the following Report from the Netherlands – in co-operation with a panel of experts gathered from Luxembourg, Slovakia and Malta, whose countries will take on the EU presidency in the periods before and after that now being run out by the Netherlands.

TEAMWORK is a  multidisciplinary cooperation against trafficking in human beings for labour exploitation. The manual is designed to strengthen multidisciplinary cooperation against trafficking for labour exploitation, and was commissioned in preparation for the Netherlands presidency of the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2016.

Any who would like to comment on this report are welcome to be in touch with to extend our understanding of what works and what has proved disappointing and in need of development in Multi Agency Co-operation – as we drive forward our own research into deepening early detection and enhanced victim care through co-operative working in the public sector across from public protection, and prosecution services, to public health, employment, business regulators and recruitment services.



Reports in 2015

Anti-Trafficking Intervention Programme Targeted to Vulnerable Children
Editorial overview and Introduction

A superb, accessible and comprehensive overview of trafficking and its risks for children in Europe today’   Reinhold Müller, Director, European Federation for Street Children (EFSC)

2015 saw the publication and presentation in Brussels of the resultes of a two year consultation sponsored by DG HOME, responding to the challenges of identifying young people at risk of human trafficking across the European Union.   CCARHT was an expert editorial adviser in this project, and our CEO, Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford authored the Executive Summary, Introduction and partnered EFSC in the oversight of this work.

The resulting EU-transferable toolkit represents an innovative and highly useful practice-oriented manual in particular for social workers and other front line service providers who are involved in the prevention and protection of vulnerable children against trafficking in their daily work.

It contains 3 training modules for service providers working directly with vulnerable children. Significant improvements are offered in the methodologies which are presented in improving organisational capacity in identification, empowerment of first responders, ‘victim care and agency’ and that all important component of late modern bureaucracy and government resource allocation – data collection.

The report contains a training module directly targeted to empower children to avoid high-risk situations for them, and to enable them to self-disclose where they have encountered at risk environments or where trafficking risk is incipient. The toolkit includes practical annexes to be used during the training modules, as well as a useful summary of the relevant international and European legislation on child trafficking.

Participating countries for this DG funded programme were Slovakia, Poland, Malta, Portugal, UK, Italy and Greece.
The research and intervention programme was funded by the European Commission’s ISEC programme in the Prevention of and Fight against Crime

European CrossActors Exchange Platform for Trafficked Children on … Building for Prevention and Sustainable Inclusion” Report on five country co-operation in developing tools for early prevention and detection of heightened vulnerability … 2007-2013 (HOME/2012/ISEC/AG/THB/4000003940)  was presented by CCARHT Managing Director Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford at the Luxembourg Embassy  Brussels in  2014


Major Sports and Counter Trafficking resilience building 2012

The first of CCARHT’s extended commissioned research work was a comprehensive overview on the preparations for the London 2012 Olympics, commissioned by the Legatum Institute in 2010.  The report involved scores of interviews, participant research, focus groups, workshops and expert days to reveal the significance of multi-agency, strategically focused and the generation of clear protocols  to underpin the generation  of as limited a  Human Trafficking risk, and safety of all those involved in the construction of and  delivery of the London 2012 Olympic games. 


CCARHT’s initial draft report was presented to the  London 2012 anti Trafficking Network  which brought together enforcement, not for profits organisations, faith sector alliances, social services, safeguarding children teams  borough council representatives, and the Mayor of London’s Policing and Crime designated team,  in a pro-active programme of resilience against Human Trafficking for the 2012 games.

The report is the first detailed multi sectoral,  counter trafficking strategy document associated with any Olympic Games delivery, and presages the arrival of the Transparency in the Supply Chain legislation which emerged for the UK Government in 2015 as part of the Modern Slavery Act.  For anyone interested in the intersection of Human Trafficking in all its forms and the delivery of a counter Trafficking risk averse Mega Sports Event, this is required reading.  Available on Kindle. 

 Get this onto my kindle. KINDLE UNLIMITED


CCARHT continues to reach into the UN and other international bodies to promote a more pro-active engagement with major sporting events to build resilience in procurement and end delivery processes for these events.

This essential close attention to procurement, to training, to awareness raising, and to capacity building for businesses, local councils, governments, law enforcement and those tasked with delivering mega sports events, in order to close down trafficking and forced labour intrusion in the myriad of contracts and activities which make up delivery of these high profile events, is one of the benefits of having a think tank, research hub such as CCARHT.

If you are on the starting grid for Mega Sports bid, or the early stages of delivery, do get in touch. Our team of sustainability, transparency, enforcement, counter money laundering, risk testing, multi agency collaboration and systems researchers, are here to resource you on your journey, and assist you in building the safest Mega sports event that you and your partners can envisage.

Be in touch  with MEGA Sports in the subject line, and we shall be delighted to connect with you, and develop your understanding and strategy for counter trafficking resilience.