2018 Summer Symposium

The Third CCARHT Summer Symposium in Cambridge UK

The 5 Ts of Human Trafficking:

Trauma, Transport, Terror,

Transparency and Tech.

Trafficking mitigation and social protection responses

2nd – 6th July 2018 

Jesus College

University of Cambridge



The 2018 symposium represented a significant mobilisation of the  #2020MDSvision which CCARHT initiated in 2016 as a response to the call by the UN to implement the Sustainable Development Goals across academies and businesses to address this most heinous of human rights violations.  At the same time the 2016 CCARHT Cambridge Symposium embedded a day’s attention what ever the annual thematic, to address the call by the UK Government in the Modern Day Slavery Act 2015 supplementary on Transparency in the Supply Chains.  The TSC calls on all businesses domiciled in the UK with over £36 million annual turnover, to undertake  a Modern Slavery audit of their business practices and supply chains.  With the current passage through Westminster of the Transparency in the Supply Chains supplementary Bill, bringing into the ring of audit, Public Authorities, Local Government Authorities and Universities, the impact of the TSC could have long lasting and systemic based change.

Thus the scene was set for the 3rd CCARHT Summer Symposium, this year co-sponsored with Trilateral Research, and the Zovighian Partnership,  addressing the Five Ts of Trafficking.  The 3rd Cambridge CCARHT Symposium 2018, thought leadership through hard hitting, thoughtful and field researched conversation.

Gallery of the Third Symposium on Human Trafficking in 2018 and the Five Ts of Trafficking, held at Jesus College, University of Cambridge.